Monday, September 27, 2010

Sexy Monday. Wicked Stats.

Monday is Here!! What is so special Monday? Monday is the dayPhotobucket will share a fun sexy photo with all of our stunning followers. Plus we will let you know what is being read and by who?
Because I am sure that everyone is dying to see what is on our shelves. With the added perk of incredible anticipation for some risque reviews.

However, this week we have something special.

Speak Loudly!

This week there has been a huge outcry over a article claiming three beloved books to be filth.
Jen and I were disturbed over this abomination!

Yes, Deeply Disturbed!

We have put together a most wonderful post for our followers.

We also got together and decided that we were going to read one of the three
books that Scroggins called Filth!

We decided to read Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson.

PhotobucketPersonally, for me I really wanted to read Speak. I just had to find out what would make this guy consider a rape scene to be soft porn. I also want to mention... that I feel that if you think rape is porn then Fairy thinks there is something wrong with you in more ways then one. But please get your head checked first.

PhotobucketI don't like ANYONE telling me what I can and can't read. For that matter, someone dictating the same for my children. I am perfectly capable of making those decisions and I don't need anyone bringing up a lack of morals or spirituality as their defense to such. So, I bought Speak for me, because any book helping young people with rape should never be pushed aside!

Jen the Bibliophile
Wickedly Great & Finished: 

Scrumptiously Devoured:

Have you read Speak?

Take a moment to tell us what you felt after you first read this book.


  1. Would you consider the rape scene to be pornographic?
  2. What was your favorite part of Speak?
  3. How did the book make you feel afterward?

After a few days we will post our responses
Post a duo review for


Wicked Joint Signature


  1. Black Disaster Fairy--
    Just so you know you will get an extra entry for your idea submission for mini-challenge, even though PrincessBookie decided to do it differently. I had submitted the idea and she said it would be on her site but credit would be linked to mine.
    I will be having a contest for Minder or Adversary by Kaynak starting tomorrow, or you can use your entry for the Fall Giveaway, just let me know as soon as you can.

  2. Well, ladies I keep running into you two. But it has been delightful!

    This book was great. I picked it up and finished it recently :)

    1.) The rape part was hardly pornographic. There was a sentence of description. Besides whoever thinks raping little girls is porn is a sick sick person.

    *Takes a sip of tea*

    2.) One part. I would have to say that I liked watching her develop with the tree. She tried different methods but she really wanted to carve out her angry on the block. And the turkey carcass was crazy neat.

    *Fans self*

    3.) Speak made me feel for some of the girls who feel the same way. Please speak up and help stop this nonsense.

    Girls you are young ladies and deserve to be treated as such!

    I love how important issues are tackled by authors. Even though it is entirely possible to be blacklisted like Anderson is now.

    ... Well ladies, it has a been a plesant chat. Now off to vamp up another blog with my snarkiness.

    Mad Scientist


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